Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
why it's so difficult to call airasia call center
finally! i found out the reason why!!
i booked two air tickets to jakarta last week, for working purposes and silly me, i clicked on the "i'm flying" button. so all my info are automatically inserted into the guest 1 fields. hassle free ma.
it's only after the flight tickets and payment has been confirmed that i realised my name is recorded as with my english name, instead of my name as per my identity card! damnit.
after 2 or 3 unfruitful calls and waitings, i managed to speak to a personnel from the call center. i am supposed to fax in a copy of my passport to allow them to change my name to as per my identity card or passport.
the vert next day, i immediately do what is required, and guess what... for 2 days, i couldn't get thru. the staff in airasia call center, sounds like they are perpetually busy and on the line. mind you i wait for more than half an hour all the time!
so this very morning, i decided to give it a try again. i thought perhaps the line traffic will not be so bad at such early hours. but still i waited a good 25 +- minutes and this time, i do not need to hang up because i am finally connected!!
and here's the reason why it's so hard to get connected to the call center. after explaining to the customer service personnel on my request, i proceeded to fax in my copy of passport. and at the same time, i asked her to hold on the line. i tried to fax in repeatedly. failed. always engaged. tried for about 10 minutes i guess.
pick up the phone, and ask if there are alternative way. she asked me to try again later and call them back !!!!!!!!! i thought, what the fuck in the world are you fucking thinking?? try again later and call back?? does she even know how tough it is to get thru?
finally, she said i can scan and email it to her. great! should have said this much much earlier! knnccb. so i quickly turn on the scanner and the computer, scanned my passport and nric and emailed it to her. that took me another about 5 - 10 minutes i think. a rough figure.
and got my name changed to as per my passport. the whole procedures took me almost an hour to settle. so i guess this is the main reason why the call center in airasia is so tough to get thru, because once you got thru, you wouldn't want to hang up until you get your stuff done!
btw, the email is cactempstaff@airasia.com. if you wanted to make changes to your flight info, make a copy of your passport and nric, and send it to this email with proper subjects and info so that when you get thru, it's easier to get your request done with.
Aaron Tan
8:57 AM
Monday, November 3, 2008
amigos para siempre
most of the time, i think twice before putting up an entry on the blog. i don't have a big readership. i don't think i even have readership. perhaps, just a handful of friends dropping by from time to time, but still i'm kinda careful as i do not want to make anyone unhappy.
for example, recently, i engaged the services of a friend. she is on freelance and of course, she gave me a much cheaper price, and that of cos will be reflected on the service. that is ok with me though.
and because of the cheap price that i was charge, i am supposed to pay for the mileage. i am totally ok with that, but what makes me uneasy is i wasn't charge the reasonable mileage charge.
my car, a suzuki swift, travels at about 19 - 21 cents per km. thus, for a local perodua, i am expecting perhaps 25 cents would be really reasonable. when i was driving a perodua, i remember it cost me less than 20 cents per km. plus, the price of petrol has dropped recently. but being true malaysian, i was told that company nowadays pay out 75 cents per km and i was charged 45 cents per km. dem.
amigos para siempre...
Aaron Tan
6:19 PM