the story of bacon and eggs... on commitments.
the chicken merely involves, while the pig commits.
don't be a chicken.
Monday, July 21, 2008
breakfast for thought
Aaron Tan
11:50 AM
Monday, July 7, 2008
maxis scam
so now we know how these rich fuck got even more fucking rich. thanks to the dumb consumers we have here. how easily we are duped by the not-so-smart marketing of these big corporations.
we all know streamyx sucks. but so far, i've had no problem with my streamyx connection, since like 6 or 7 years ago. problems and dissatisfaction only arise when you need their "human" service.
recently we had just moved into a temporary house nearby while the current house is going thru some renovation. so, my sis called up telekom to transfer our current telephone line to this temporary house. the service? one word - totally hopeless. okay, that's two words.
first call - they will sort of lodge a job or something like that so that the technical people can do proceed with the job of transferring the phone line. the person on the phone said their technical people will call back shortly. my sis waited for hours and no calls yet.
second call - so my sis called back, and guess what, she was put on hold, listening to music and she is using her mobile phone. she waited for a while, and put down the phone eventually. she gave me a call and ask me to check with telekom.
third call - i called telekom, and the lady on the phone says there is no job being lodge yet for that number. that's why the technician did not call us back. what the fuck!
fourth call - my sis then called back and clarify with them. indeed, it was not lodge yet. now, they told my sis the process will take a few days time, and they are not working on weekend. it's was friday, so we have to wait till monday for the next step.
fantastic service!
so, on saturday, my sis went to one of the maxis center and signed up on a maxis wireless broadband. check out this graph from maxis website:-i'm sure it makes you go - WOWOWOWOWOW, so fast ar! scroll down and look again!
wow x9999999 again. Absolute portability. Surf anytime, anywhere at super speeds! SUPER SPEEDS. seii meii... pang sai that time also can surf. i bet chua soi lek was downloading porns with maxis wireless broadband during the session caught on cctv.
the best thing is on the maxis wireless broadband site, it says - Really, no minimum contract period! I repeat - NO MINIMUM CONTRACT PERIOD! With an exclaimation mark, ok! sis was so sick with the maxis wireless broadband connection. It was so bad that it makes streamyx looks like the best ISP in the whole wide world! I was a little bit mad too, as i tried to use it a few times unsuccessfully. The connection is sub-crap. Means it's worse than crap! It's connected, but I can't surf at all. Lol...
so my sis did a check on maxis website once we manage to establish a good connection, and went into the FAQ section.she read line by line and asked me to read, too to double confirm if what she read is correct or not. haha... check out the fifth questions -
yeah, no minimum contract period. period!
btw, my sis is going to the maxis center again to terminate the account, since they have 7 days cooling off period.
Aaron Tan
9:35 AM
labels: maxis, scam, sucks, wireless broadband